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Meet Joanie:

I am in the process of opening up the first andonly yoga/healing arts studio in my entire region!

I have been a CYT for almost 15 years now with various degrees of training , and have taught classes and hosted workshops in multiple studio and festival enviroments. I offer classes for youth, pre and post natal, as well as yoga for the more advanced student and athlete, as well as gentle yoga for older and limited mobilty students.

I have been an active part of 3DL since 2012, LovEvolution since 2014, and CultureFest since 2011. Additionally, I have hosted yoga at retreats such as "The Big Glow" with Brian Satori Piergrossi, and many other yoga/meditation/breathwork workshops.


I have facilitated yoga and breathwork workshops for adult and youth at each of these over the years.

Joanie Boyle: The Gaia Den (Yoga/Healing)

Yoga & Healing Space:

Bio & Workshops Description: The Gaia Den

Taking on the name of my studio in the mountains of West Virginia, those coming to Gaia at the 3DL gathering can expect to have a place of sanctuary, as well as offerings of yoga. I intend to bring the same ambience to the festival, that I am bringing to the studio at home.


An atmosphere for gathering to talk, sit quietly and read or journal, partake of yoga and/or breathwork exercises. Smoke of sage and palo will be kept burning, as well as circles and grids of stones.

My intent is for anyone wishing to come into the Gaia of 3DL, will experience an immediate feeling of sancutary and peace, whether they are seeking to sit and chat, partake in yoga...or just find rest for their body and mind and take a nap!


Books will also be available to read upon while there, many from my personal library covering topics of the spirit, the Goddess, rituals, conspiracy theories etc. The Gaia of 3DL will truly mimic the Gaia I am creating in my hometown!

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