Three Days of Light SPOTLIGHT (Workshop) John Echelmyer
1. Optical You-niverse - Vortexes, Music, and Physics : A visual presentation of the Harmonic and Spiral Science of Light proposed by Walter Russell. In accordance with Natural Law, Russell offer a wave based and optical cosmogony based on mirrors, lenses, and vortex motion. Russell's work redefines electrical engineering, gravity, and chemistry by defining CAUSE within physics as the universal mind expressing its creation dualistically and muscially. " Light is all there is; it is all we have to deal with, but we do not yet know what it is ..." - Walter Russell.
2. Shape Power - Technologies of Sovereignity - A review of the suppressed technologies and sciences used in the detection and structuring of the Subtle Formative Forces. Through the techniques Radiethesia, BioGeometry, Radionics, Psychotronics, Psionics, Orgonomy, and Torsion and Scalar Physics, one may tap into their sovreign power as MENTAL beings capable effecting your environment with thought and geometry to support the biological, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels of any living system. Your environment is your second skin. All these are tools evolving man towards a mutual understanding that our biology is the ultimate technology!
3. Wetter Water - The Geometry of Hydration - Water, in it's 4th Phase, acts just like a quartz crystal in its ability to hold, transfer, and amplify information, electricity, and vibration. Water is a fractal antenna filtering cosmic LIGHT and consciousness into physicality. Investigating the geometry of water's molecular structure holds the key to understanding the bridge between mind and matter, generation of life, non-polluting fuels, health and nutrition, bio-remediation, sustainable agriculture, stellar communication, and artificial intelligence. "Life is water dancing to the tunes of molecules" - Szent-Gyorgi
4. Tibetan Yogic Rites and Breaths - A yogic journey through the 5 main Tibetan Yogic Rites and the 10 Tibetan Breaths to stimulate and strengthen the physical body and its secondary chakra centers found at the joints of your body. These exercises engage the etheric nadi meridians and prepare the body for the 10 breaths that recharge and revitalize the body and mind. A great tool-set for physical upliftment, cognitive coherence, and spiritual hygiene. This will be followed by a brainwave entrainment mediation to further facilitate rest and relaxation, and promote organic flow of the life force current.
5. Get High on Sound, Blast off on Breath - In this ceremony You will experience Brainwave Entrainment Music, Biogeometry balancing, and chanting along with breathing techniques to guide a journey through your primary brainwave states and arouse the cosmic-bioelectric life force in the primary vibration centers (chakras). This may facilitate profound relaxation, rejuvenation, creative insight, emotional release while fueling your light body as the Unified Field Operator that you are. Be prepared to experience a little more of YOU!
Bio and introduction to John Ech:
As a daily meditator and independent researcher of the suppresed aetheric sciences for over a decade, John Echelmeyer dives through the deepest niches of mind and physics.
Since 2014, he has operated, an open source movement integrating the living, qualitative spectrum of scientific inquiry back into research methodology.
Aether Force acts as a node for alternative researchers, scientists, and inventors to open-source their research and inventions without the political and domgatic constraints from the fractured and materialistic standard paradigm.
AetherForce embraces its mission to facilitate research in resonance with Natural Law, to be developed for integrating Balance, Harmony, and Rhythm within our mind, body and biosphere, placing power back into the hands, hearts, and minds of sovreign individuals.
For three years, John facilitated large group breathwork and brainwave entrainment meditations for the STL Moon Tribe in accordance with lunar and celestial cycles throught the St. Louis Area including Cahokia Mounds.
Ambient brainwave entrainement music working in synergy with several pranayama and swara breathing techniques allows for the emergence group coherence and ecstasis.
For the past 4 summer, John has travelled to different festivals and conferences promoting the Aetheric Living Qualitative Sciences with lectures, integrative breathwork meditations, and his travelling Library.